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Co-Creating Sanctuary

  • Heart Springs Sanctuary Washington Boro, PA (map)

Working in co-creative partnership with Nature and co-creating a Sanctuary is one of the most healing things that we can do for ourselves, our culture, and Earth. Every Sanctuary is different and can range in size from a tiny room to a balcony to a backyard to over a thousand acres. And yet, when we co-create with Nature, there are fundamental aspects that help to facilitate the creation of our Sanctuary and enhance the energies of our unique place.

When I moved to Heart Springs Sanctuary, the Nature Spirits were very clear that this was my University. They had much to teach me. Since then I have received numerous requests to help others create Sanctuaries and learn more about engaging in co-creative partnership. I’ve taught aspects of this course before, but this is the first time that I am sharing the fundamental aspects of co-creating Sanctuary in such depth.

This is hands-on and immersive.  We will experience how to engage in co-creative partnership; how to assess the energy of a particular place and help to enhance, heal, or balance this; and how to work WITH the aspects of Nature that we feel as challenging (such as Mosquitos or “Invasive Plants”).

To demonstrate the different aspects, we will work with Heart Springs Sanctuary; however, we will also discuss how you can tailor the same techniques to work with any space including a city apartment or a bedroom.

When we work with Nature and our more-than-human kin we create something that is more incredible and magical than we can even imagine and often with less energy and input than would otherwise be required.


There are no required prerequisites for this course. However Communicating with Plants or a similar experience and Through the Portal: Engaging with the Seven Directions and Five Elements will greatly enhance your experience of Co-Creating Sanctuary.


Heart Springs Sanctuary in Washington Boro, PA is a 4.5 acre Sanctuary co-created with the Nature Spirits to create a place where ALL Beings are Sacred, safe, and honored and is part of the United Plant Savers’ Botanical Sanctuary Network.  Simply being on the Land is healing. The Sanctuary plays an important part in the special energetic container Jen creates for the weekend where you are supported, held in Love, and having fun. The Nature Spirits are our Guides for this workshop as they facilitate co-creating a Sanctuary.


At Brigid’s Way, we feel that eating is one of the joys of life and is a way to engage with our senses and the gifts of Mother Nature.  For those who have attended a class at Heart Springs Sanctuary, you know how wonderful it is to receive the extraordinary organic, homemade meals and snacks created with the delicious produce, meat, and dairy for which Lancaster County is famous, nourishing you deeply on all levels.  Food is medicine and this weekend you will experience the truth of this.  Vegan, gluten-free, and dairy-free options are provided.


$695, Includes meals and shared lodging or camping.
$300 non-refundable deposit holds your place
Space is limited to 8 participants

To Register: Mail a check to:

Brigid’s Way
3227 Anchor Rd.
Washington Boro, PA 17582

Venmo is also available, please email Jen for the information

or to pay via PayPal (additional 3% fee applies) see below 

For questions, please email Jen